Attached to Nothing,Connected to Everything (2021)

Make it stand out.

Up close detail of 3D avatar from Attached to Nothing, Connected to Everything (2021).

Attached to Nothing, Connected to Everything (2021, 11mins 24secs) is a video piece that explores misconceptions surrounding artificial intelligence and robotics. The work is a manifestation of my exploration into how we represent the concepts of the robot, the cyborg, the digital being and physical manifestations of A.I. networks. Combining 3D elements and footage from a residency with the Estonian Robot Theatre’s Artificial Chekhov project by Liina Keevallik, this piece considers how a machine’s search for understanding of itself can reflect our own condition as sentient beings.

The piece was commissioned for the Goethe Institute’s Generation A = Algorithm residency project, completed in September 2021 at the Centre of Excellence and Media Innovation in Tallinn, Estonia.

Attached to Nothing, Connected to Everything (2021) at “Performing Research: four directions of artistic inquiry,” an NCAD Art in the Contemporary World MFA exhibition at Solstice Arts Centre in Navan, Co. Meath.

This project was supported by: